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Q & A: Get to know Andy Whittaker

‘Group Project Manager, modest wordsmith and Chief Water bomb Distributor’

  1. How long have you been in the industry?

Almost 7-years. I set up a Crew Supply division with Bibby Ship Management in 2014, working with several oil and gas majors – prior to V. Group’s acquisition of them in 2016. At that time, I took on a global offshore management role, until my redundancy late in 2020 – after a 3.5-year industry hiatus, I joined Quadrant Group in May 2024.

  1. How did you end up at Quadrant?

A shade typical of the Isle of Man, I was known to the business, and I became aware of a newly created ‘Group Project Manager’ role. I’d observed the rebrand, which had very much caught my eye and I felt the timing of the role was perfect. I made no secret of my interest in returning to the maritime sector at some stage, but to work in corporate services was an added plus for me! A good coffee and a couple of meetings later, I was invited to join the team!

  1. What is your favourite way to unwind after a long day at work?

At home or enjoying a little fair-weather Manx outdoors with my wife and two boys, Oisin (4) and Ellis (1). Oisin’s current life priorities are Bluey, water bombs and den-building, Ellis is a food enthusiast, enjoys receiving compliments on his impressively long eyelashes, and making sure he’s heard – at all times! I try to defy age / wear and tear in the gym over lunch … when my will-power wins!

  1. How do you stay motivated and productive, especially during challenging times?

Positivity and self-starting! I’ve always been very pipeline oriented and focused on creating a flow of business opportunities from my role – my days in Key Account Management in Bristol made a slight ‘opportunist’ out of me. So, I like to think there are opportunities and growth in challenges!

  1. Share a piece of advice to newcomers in the industry?

To this and any corporate industry I’d say, ‘stay current’, ‘be accountable’ and ‘never underplay the basics.’ Artificial Intelligence has moved us into a new business age, where certain skills will be slightly absorbed, but the power of relationships will always be the biggest contributor to success, in my opinion.

  1. What’s the best thing about your job?

The variety! From revenue to non-revenue/value add projects, having the trust and experience of those around me, (and their willingness to share it), and the appetite of the business.

  1. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Courtesy of my high school RE teacher, a real force of nature! ‘To each as thou deservest!’ / ‘You get out, what you put in.’

  1. On your dream dinner party guest list of 3, who would you bring? (Dead or alive, maximum of 3 people)

Michael Jordan, (an unbreakable winning mentality) David Gilmour (Pink Floyd – timeless work) and Stanley Kubrick (to understand some of his more controversial work)

  1. Hollywood film producers have commissioned a film about your life – who plays you and why?

Denzel Washington – who else!

  1. You’re marooned on a desert island with just one song to play – what is it?

Led Zeppelin – Kashmir


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