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Q & A: Get to know Simon Roberts!

“… Managing Director, Ziggy’s co-hiker, and business-travel food rogue”

  1. How long have you been in the industry?

25 years – I was working in the commercial ship management industry prior to moving over to the superyacht industry in 2007.

  1. Can you tell us about your role in the company and what a typical day looks like for you?

As the Managing Director of Quadrant Group, I strategically drive the business forward while collaborating closely with the other three directors, who are also co-owners of the Group. When I’m not meeting clients or traveling between our various offices, I prioritise maintaining relationships with current clients, captains, yacht managers and lawyers. This often involves spending significant time on the phone or in Teams/Zoom meetings.

  1. What is your favourite way to unwind after a long day at work?

Probably taking my dog Ziggy out for a hike in the hills or a long coastal walk – it really is good for the soul and a great way to unwind; he’ll walk for hours if I’ve got enough treats on hand!

If I’ve been travelling recently, which typically means I’ve been eating unhealthily, then several 30km bike rides or 10km runs over the following two weeks are unfortunately necessary. For me, that’s the real downside of business travel. To get the adrenaline pumping, I head off into the hills and green lanes on my off-road KTM Enduro bike to blow away the cobwebs!

  1. What differentiates Quadrant from their industry peers & competitors?

I would say this is two-fold: first, we are privately owned, and second, the longevity of our staff.

Our four directors, Catherine Connolly, Paul Fleming, Tim Cox, and I privately own the business. This ownership structure is very important to us and our staff, whom I consider our best assets. Many of our competitors are now owned by private equity partners or have recently been acquired, leading to significant pressure to meet short-term financial targets and utilisation rates to satisfy shareholders. This often results in higher costs for clients and high staff turnover.

In such scenarios, the two big winners are the external shareholders and the local recruitment agency, while clients and staff are further down the priority list. For me, that is simply wrong!

  1. How do you stay motivated and productive, especially during challenging times?

I love my job, so staying motivated and productive comes naturally to me.

When challenging times arise, I reflect on the hardships and horrors happening around the world. This perspective helps me appreciate how fortunate I am to be here, with a roof over my head and the love of family and friends.

  1. What’s the best thing about your job?

That’s an easy one – I get to meet incredible people from all over the world with fascinating backgrounds. I’m pleased to say that some of these individuals are now personal friends whom I can call on at any time of the day.

  1. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

It’s not advice I’ve been given but I do live by the mantra of ‘Integrity Is Everything’ – do the right thing every time!

  1. On your dream dinner party guest list of 3 (dead or alive), who would you bring?

David Bowie, Sir Alex Ferguson & Lee Evans for the laughs.

  1. Hollywood film producers have commissioned a film about your life – who plays you and why?

Leonardo DiCaprio….that’s simply based on age, otherwise it would be the legendary Jack Nicholson.

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