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Q & A: Get to know Tammy Murray


“… Business Development Manager, budding florist, intrepid baker … and named after a military leader”

  • Can you tell us about your role at the company and what a typical day looks like for you?

I’m a Business Development Manager and DMLRO. A typical day would involve me reviewing everything from active new business enquiries to compliance. With the increasing new business into our Malta operation, I am spending more time in our Malta office and enjoying the warm weather over there. I also support our Client Relationship Managers, most recently with annual reviews and structure administration, so every day is varied & enjoyable.

  • How long have you been in the industry?

It’s coming up to 22 years within the luxury asset industry– so you could say I’ve seen it all!

I started out in an Administration role, and I’ve been lucky to switch over to other roles, such as DMLRO and Business Development Manager, but starting where I did, meant I could speak the language of certain business areas and when it comes to bringing in a new piece of business, I am able to ensure that all the pieces fit together before it becomes fully operational.

  • How do you stay motivated and productive, especially during challenging times?

Because of the ever-changing regulatory landscape of the industry, it is extremely important for me to have the knowledge to remain effective within it. One person can’t retain all the information required for us to operate – and ultimate that’s what drives me.

Nowadays, the HNW and UHNW clients are seeking a quicker transaction – agreements in a matter of weeks, whereas in the past the processes have been more like months – the old school approach of dinner and more protracted route to client onboarding isn’t as common now.

I enjoy the pressure … and I feed off being busy!

  • How do you see the industry evolving in the next five years, and how are you preparing for these changes?

I think the industry is becoming a lot more eco-aware, and it is also being influenced more so by builders and clients alike. There is a higher concentration on ESG and how businesses can be more environmentally friendly whilst at the same time ensuring their employees are supporting these initiatives.

  • What’s your favourite way to unwind after a long day at work?

Cooking! I love baking…in fact I have a new recipe that I’m trying tonight which I picked up on my recent trip to Malta!

I’ve also recently got into Dutch pour acrylic painting, where I get different contrasting paint colours in a beaker and pour them on to a canvass and move it around – it’s good messy fun!

  • If you could invite three people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
  1. My Uncle Sonny. He was a Marine during the Second World War – one of my biggest regrets is not talking to him about it.
  2. Terry Pratchett, because I’ve probably read every book he has ever written and I think he would be a very entertaining guest.
  3. Sir David Attenborough – he’d be really interesting, and I just love listening to him.
  • What’s one surprising thing your colleagues might not know about you?

My full [first] name is ‘Tamerlain.’ My mum’s choice. ‘Tamerlane’ was a 14th Century conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire and is referred to as one of history’s great military leaders. This was perhaps something to do with the gas and air during childbirth?! She named my sister Lisa!

  • If you did not have this job what would your dream job be? 

A Florist. It was something I didn’t think I could do, but when the opportunity came-up I realised I had the patience and a good eye for it!


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